Friday, September 13, 2013

No One Claimed the Golden Tickets!

Graycliff volunteers are the greatest. 
 Each of you is dedicated, hard working, and enthusiastic.  
But Apparently, Some Aren't reading This Blog!

In recognition of your wonderful volunteer efforts, Board member Sharon Metz has donated two pairs of tickets to the Shaw Festival, in Niagara on the Lake, to two volunteers.  There are two options:  Guys and Dolls is a much beloved musical, and this Festival Theater production has gotten rave reviews; or alternatively, see the charming confection, Enchanted April.

Yet its simply impossible to chose from among you.  So earlier this week, each name was put into a hat, and names drawn from among those of each fantastic Graycliff volunteer.

The first winners didn't claim their tickets in time.  So we have two new names:


1) George Struebel
2) Elaine Hunter

Winners:  Congratulations!  To claim your tickets, please post a comment in the comment section of this blog post, saying that you'll accept.  If you have not posted by this Monday, September 16th  at 9:00 am, we will assume you do not wish to accept, and the next runners up will be posted.

Thank you to Sharon Metz for her generosity!


  1. Dear Sharon & Staff,
    oops I read the Blog, but not the calendar. thank you very much, but Dave and I were unable to attend one of the Shaw plays.
    Hope you can go George.

  2. I accept as long as the shows aren't for week of 9/16 to 9/21, on vacation. otherwise its a go. If it is that week, pull out of the hat again. George
