A couple months ago I visited my daughter and her lovely family in Raleigh NC. While there we spent an evening wandering around Duke Gardens, part of the Duke University complex. (My daughter is a charge nurse for Duke University Medical Center.) I was absolutely amazed at the extent, size, and beauty of these gardens. They are so large that we got lost.
Imagine my surprise when I recently discovered that they were in part designed by two landscape architects closely connected to both Buffalo and Graycliff. The Olmstead Brothers ( Yes, that Olmstead who designed Buffalo's Parkways.) had a hand in the initial design of the gardens and Ellen Biddle Shipman, who helped landscape Graycliff also had a hand in the design of the gardens and was apparently part of the Duke family that created Duke University.
The linked video might be somewhat boring for those of you not seriously into landscape architecture. I will leave that up to you, but I will tell you that if you ever visit Raleigh NC, you would be well advised to visit the gardens, absolutely spectacular and no admission and free parking. What else could you ask for said the cheapskate vacationer.
Duke Gardens Video
George Struebel
I have been there as well, definitely a great time to stroll around the Gardens and relax. Definitely a very tranquil place and interestiang to know that our favorite landscape architects were involved!