I thought it would be interesting to do a status report on the blog since it is now about six months old.
In that time period I/we have published 55 separate postings.
The blog has been viewed 3,294 times.
There have been a total of 33 comments by volunteers on blog postings, unfortunately 7 of that number have been mine.
Three other volunteers have contacted me with suggestions for blog postings.
To the blog posting asking why we volunteer at Graycliff, the blog received a total of 9 responses (7 of which count toward the above total of 33 comments.)
The blog has been viewed by 158 different people in the US, 7 from the Phillipines, 8 from Germany, 7 from France, 5 from Mexico, 4 from Columbia, 4 from Japan, 4 from Russia, and I from Brazil.
Right now we seem to be averaging about 20 views a day.
I hope to continue to serve the Graycliff volunteers by creating posts of interest and information to our volunteers. I wish for more contact and communication with other members to make this blog more responsive to volunteers' needs. You can do that by accessing the blog and clicking on "comment" at the end of any blog post you wish to comment on. Or you can send any other communication or posting suggestions to me at gds2146@hotmail.com . I am still feeling my way around with this as is the Conservancy; we want to make the blog a useful tool for all of you. I hope you let me know if I am doing it right or/and point me in other directions to make it better. The purpose of the blog is communication and communication, in order to work best, needs to be two way. So, I hope these statistics have been of interest and I hope this blog is serving you well.
Thank you, George Struebel, Blogger and Docent
Personally, George, I think you're doing a fine job! I was surprised to learn that we've had viewers from so many different countries, as the blog was meant for volunteers, and I'm pretty sure that we don't have volunteers from any foreign country other than Canada. Still, I know the URL was published in the last newsletter, so... Well, it's good to know that folks are interested.