Docents: Update to December Schedule
For the first time, and due to popular demand, Graycliff will be offering tours on weekends this month, in addition to the Yuletide Tours that take place between Christmas and New Years (Dec 26-31, 2012).
Tours will take place Saturday and Sunday, December 8 & 9, 15 & 16, and 22 & 23, with an In-Depth Tour at 1 pm, and a Basic Tour at 1:30 each of those days. Weather permitting, of course, but with the weather we've been having...
If you're out of town or otherwise engaged during Yuletide Tours, consider giving a tour on one of these weekends.
Graycliff Elf Volunteers have done a particularly wonderful job decorating the Isabelle R. Martin House this won't want to miss seeing it!
Happy Holidays! Best--Reine
Took advantage of the offer to see It Was a Wonderful Life at Forest Lawn. Really enjoyed the performance. Another of the many advantages to being a Graycliff volunteer.