Friday, December 6, 2013

Master Docents: Graycliff at Valentine's Day

Each year over the weekend nearest Valentine's Day, Graycliff offers fun tours that incorporate information on the many loves of Frank Lloyd Wright.  This is then contrasted with the life long love between Darwin and Isabelle Martin.  Following the tour, we give out free hot chocolate and chocolate kisses.

If you've read up on Wright's love life...first wife Catherine; his relationship with Mamah Cheney and its horrific conclusion, his second marriage to Miriam Noel, and his final marriage and rather unusual relationship with with Olgivanna...not to mention murder and mayhem, arrest under the Mann Act, drug abuse, abandoned children, and digging up remains after burial....perhaps you'd like to give one of these tours.

The Buffalo News will be covering these tours, and we typically fill them we can expect full tours, which will most likely take place as follows:

February—Saturday, February 15 –11:00  In-Depth FLW Loves Tour;  1:30 In-Depth FLW Loves Tour

                      Sunday, February 16 –1:30 In-Depth FLW Loves Tour

If you are a Master Docent, and you'd like to docent for them (perhaps do a little refresher reading in January...a good time for it)  please email or call.

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