Tuesday, May 31, 2016

New Docents

I am sure you are all aware that Eileen Blackman and I have been spending our Spring training new docents to add to out ranks.  We had a class of 12 of the nicest people you could hope to find.  The actual training classes are over and we are now busy doing cert and shadow tours to get them on the schedule as soon as we can.  At this point I would like to announce that Don Wesley, Lynette Domanski and Brenda Mendola have completed that process and are now fully certed docents. (You may already know Lynette as she has been a chaperone with us for some time, finally got her trained to do tours)  Please welcome them as part of our family when you see them at the site.

And thank you to all of you who have shared your time and skills with our trainees when they have shadowed your tours.  We have several more new docents to add by the end of the week as several have completed their cert tours successfully, but still need to be shadowed on their first tours.  We will let you know as soon as they are fully completed.

George Struebel, Docent Co-Coordinator