Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Graycliff News

Dear All:

Opportunities for Graycliff volunteers:

1) A tour of the Graycliff Collection in the UB Archives--the first one in more than ten years--will take place on Saturday, June 13th at 9:30 am.  If you plan to attend, please RSVP by Graycliff email  by June 10th.  We must provide a head count for this event, and you will not be admitted if your name is not on the list.

2) A new book by Pat Mahoney,  Frank Lloyd Wright's Scholarly Clients, William and Mary Heath, has just been published.  It is not available on line, but will be available by pre- paid order to Graycliffians.  Copiously illustrated, this soft bound book is $34.99.  Mahoney. the President of the Graycliff Board,  will inscribe your copy...perhaps even in person..we're working on a date for a book signing.  Also available (in limited numbers) is this latest book coupled with Mahoney's earlier volume, Frank Lloyd Wright's Walter V. Davidson House, which retails for $35.  If you wish to purchase both volumes, we are offering the set of two to Graycliffians at a special price of  $60.  Please call Ryan to purchase at 716-947-9217.  If you have questions for Ryan, please Email Ryan

3) Graycliff volunteers are invited to a presentation on the Martin House landscape rehabilitation on Sunday, May 31st at the Buffalo History Museum (corner of Nottingham Terrace and Elmwood) from 3 pm to 4:30 pm.If you wish to attend, please RSVP to Martin House RSVP  or 856-3858 x200) by May 28th.  If you'd like to review some info on Graycliff's landscape restoration by comparison, take a look here: Graycliff Landscape Restoration or the Buffalo News article on Graycliff's landscape

Nice Article in Business First


One of our new docent trainees, Rob Brennan, was good enough to forward this recent article about Wright in Buffalo.  We got a couple of decent photos as well as reference in the text.  It is worth checking out if you missed it.  Thanks for the heads up , Rob.  Check it out if you missed it  Don't forget to click on the picture of the house and our director to enlarge it!  That one is display on the mantle  quality!  Just teasing, Reine!


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Graycliff Update!

Dear All:

The season goes into full flower this coming weekend, with Memorial Day.  If you are a docent, we could REALLY use your help, particularly for the 4 pm tour on Saturday (that tour always fills up rapidly) or tours on Sunday and Monday.  We had a terrific weekend this past week....full tours....and we expect the same this coming weekend.  Please do lend a hand!

We're happy to report that once again, Graycliff has been awarded a Certificate of Excellence, for 2015.  Kudos to Docents, Green Team members, Housekeeping and Gift Shop volunteers---this award is based on the number of positive reviews we received from visitors.  It's because of your efforts at leading interesting tours, keeping the house tidy and cared-for, and the grounds looking lovely that we have elicited such positive comments.  Thank you!

A further update on the fence by the cliff....we will be addressing this issue soon, but it's highly dangerous to visitors 9and volunteers alike) for two reasons:  a 60 foot drop to the beach below, if you happen to lean on the fence (or an overeager visitor is trying to snap a photo) AND because that area is filled with....drum roll please.....POISON IVY!  So please stay far away from that area, and make sure that visitors do as well!

Thank you for all you do for Graycliff!