Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Spring Clean Up---Thank You to Everyone!

A big thank you to the many Graycliffians who participated in Spring Clean Up last week! The weather that day started off cold and gray at breakfast time, but then turned to sunshine...brought on by the volunteers' warm smiles, no doubt!

Crews focused on cutting up the large fallen tree from winter storms, washing every last window in the house, cleaning floors and closets, and even a thorough dusting of the Visitor Pavilion.

This was followed by a pizza lunch at nearby Pasquales.  Special thanks to Cheryl St. George for coordinating the day's  food and cleaning supplies!

Valerie Meldrin

Tom Browne

Brian Godfrey, Tim Mahaney and John Carboaugh with Dan Vucic 

Tree Crew!

Our Own Cheryl St. George

Jackie Simon

Anita Mitchell


George Struebel, Co-Chair of Docent Training

Karen Young

Earle Newman

Board member and CPA Extraordiinaire
Mary Young

Our fearless Board President Diane Schrenk

June Crawford and Wendy Duigan


Gary Tornquist

Priscilla O'Brien