Monday, September 22, 2014

Last Week for Graycliff Fleeces!

This is the last week to order your Graycliff fleece!

By pre-ordering and pre-paying this week, you will save about 50% off our new Graycliff fleece jackets.  Offer is good until s until 4 pm this coming Friday 9/26.  (After that, you’ll have to pay full price in the Pavilion)

They are available in both a women’s cut, and men’s (more flattering than unisex) and available in either black or gray, with the Graycliff logo embroidered in cream.  We have a few in the Pavilion, so please stop by and try them on!

 Women’s Cut Sizes:
Small - $35    Medium - $35
Large - $35    XL - $35
2XL - $38
 Men’s Sizes:
Small - $35    Medium - $35
Large - $35    XL - $35
2XL - $36     3XL - $38
4XL - $38

Graycliff volunteer Doug Smith models the men's cut in gray

If you are interested, please stop by and let us know style, color and size.  Alternatively, you can place an order and pay via Mastercard or Visa by calling Ryan at 716/947-9217.

Graycliff volunteer Stacy Tuberdyke wearing the women's cut in black

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Volunteers needed for Children's Event

On Saturday, October 4th from noon to 3 pm, the Buffalo Architecture Foundation is organizing a Family Fun Event for children and families, at the Martin House, and including about 15 other cultural organizations.

Graycliff will be participating, too!  We need the help of two volunteers to assist Diane Schrenk with this event.  We're planning a hands-on activity that includes crayons and templates...should be fun.

If you are willing to help out, please email Family Fun Volunteer


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Volunteers Needed

Graycliff will again have a table at the Larkin Square Marketplace on Thurs., Sept. 11th.  We are looking for two volunteers to man the table from 5:30 - 7:30 PM.  We are not selling any merchandise at this event.  We are only distributing literature and providing general information to the public about Graycliff (tours, volunteer opportunities, memberships, restoration, etc.).  Thanks to Nancy McNaughton and Denise O'Shei for volunteering to set up and take the early shift from 3:30 - 5:30.  If you can help out for the later shift, please send an email to one of the Volunteer Co-Chairs:
 Kathy Mehltretter Kathy
 Phyllis Spears Phyllis
